Thursday, April 28, 2011

How to put AddToAny to Joomla Site?

I think this plugin is one of the best social bookmarking plugins for joomla. You may try put in your joomla site. Here are the steps:
Download AddToAny
Visit these site to download the file:
or in another place:

Install the plugin on your joomla 1.5
Login to your joomla admin, then choose Extensions->Install/Uninstall
Upload Package File, and browse the location of AddToAny location in your PC, clikc it and then Upload File and Install. If you succeeded, you'll get notification that the insatallation is done successfully.
Activate The  Plugin
Go to Extensions-->plugin manager, you'll see a list of your insatalled plugins, choose content-AddToAny, in Plugin Edit area, Enable the plugin by choosing : Enabled Yes. You may also configure how to show the button, on front page, in article intro, on category page, on section page, even you may have section exclusion list, depending your choiches. The last,  save your setting and  preview how it performs in your site!